Home » Folklore Ensembles from Neamț County

Folklore Ensembles from Neamț County

“Floricică de la Munte” Folkloric Ensemble

Established in 1971, “Floricică de la Munte” Folkloric Ensemble has become, over time, one of the most important preservers of traditional Romanian culture. For four decades, the ensemble from Neamț has toured across Europe, bringing with it the beauty of Romanian folk dances, songs, and costumes. Whether performing for Romanian, French, or Turkish audiences, the dancers from Neamț have stood out for the originality and authenticity of their repertoire, which consists of dances representative of all ethnographic and folkloric regions of Romania.

They have impressed audiences in France, Italy, Poland, Greece, Egypt, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Austria, Finland, Belgium, and the Netherlands with the vibrant colors and beauty of their folk costumes, as well as their virtuosity, rhythm, and precision in performance. Everywhere they go, they showcase the beauty of the folklore from this corner of the world, where authenticity remains deeply rooted in reality, but especially in the hearts of the people.


In Neamț County, there are also other folkloric ensembles, such as:

  • “Florile Tarcăului” FOLK ENSEMBLE
  • “Ciobănașul” FOLK ENSEMBLE in Tupilați
  • “Izvoarele Borcutului” FOLK ENSEMBLE in Borca
  • “Miorița” FOLK ENSEMBLE in Piatra Șoimului
  • “Mugurașii Mărginenilor” FOLK ENSEMBLE
  • “Codrii Neamțului” CULTURAL ASSOCIATION

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