Home » “Made in Neamt” CLUSTER

“Made in Neamt” CLUSTER

“Made in Neamț” CLUSTER ASSOCIATION aims to contribute to the sustainable and durable development of Neamț County by harmonizing and representing the interests of businesses, research, administration, and catalyst entities, with the goal of increasing economic competitiveness, creating jobs, internationalizing its members, enhancing the professional skills of managers and employees, managing a common database, promoting the members’ products through the Association’s website(s) and participating in profile fairs and events in the country and abroad, participating in national and European networks, and increasing the innovation potential of businesses in the following sectors:

  • Organic agriculture (in the general context of “European Greens,” defined at the European level and associated with the “European Green Deal” (EGD) for cities and regions);
  • Creative and cultural sectors (based on cohesion and cooperation);
  • Social innovation (developing the “Empowering citizens” concept – a civic initiative);
  • Logistics and transportation.

By establishing “Made in Neamț” CLUSTER ASSOCIATION, the partners aim to develop and promote local products and services, bring together all certified producers within this associative structure, capitalize on local natural raw materials that differentiate the area from other regions, and stimulate the regional economic environment by increasing the market competitiveness of local businesses and creating a collaboration system among producers, which will bring global recognition to products from Neamț County.

The main objectives of “Made in Neamț” CLUSTER ASSOCIATION are:

  • Creating an associative structure based on the geographical concentration of interconnected companies, certified/specialized local producers/suppliers, universities, research centers, trade associations, training institutions, and local public administrations in specific fields, engaged in a joint effort to develop a common strategy for the concept “Made in Neamț”;
  • Developing and marketing local products and services;
  • Promoting organic food and products made in Neamț County;
  • Enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector by establishing specialized plantations and farms, as well as traditional activities of local farmers;
  • Higher value utilization of natural raw materials: forest fruits and mushrooms, medicinal plants, hazelnuts, etc.;
  • Creating a cluster brand to be promoted nationally and internationally, and developing a visual identity for the cluster;
  • Developing a strategy for development, internationalization, marketing, promotion, and networking;
  • Participating in or initiating projects for economic agents, non-profit entities, research, administration, and the cluster, with funding from national public and/or European funds;
  • Collaborating with other clusters in the country and abroad to establish strategic partnerships;
  • Affiliating with the Romanian Clusters Association – ClusteRo;
  • Enrolling in the European Cluster Collaboration Platform;
  • Cross-border and transnational collaboration;
  • Participating in national and European networks;
  • Continuously creating and updating the website www.produsinneamt.ro and other Association websites, available in multiple international languages;
  • Developing legislative proposals regarding the production of certified organic agricultural and food products, environmental protection, especially in natural reserves in Neamț County, etc.;
  • Professional and managerial development of members and employees;
  • Attracting new members to the Association, who share common interests with the founding members;
  • Representing and supporting the interests of members before local and central public authorities and institutions, public utility service providers, and third parties.

Founding Members of “Made in Neamț” CLUSTER ASSOCIATION:

A. Enterprises and associations

  • Association of Folk Craftsmen from Neamț County, Mr. Constantin LUNGU, tel. +40742.999.506, email: [email protected]
  • “Bison Land” Association, Ms. Geanina FEDELEȘ, tel. +40741.195.664, email: [email protected]
  • Apetrei Dumitru – Bogdan Individual Enterprise (organic honey producer), Mr. Dumitru Bogdan APETREI, tel. +40748.709.800
  • Apetrei Ghe. Gheorghe Individual Enterprise (honey, and bee products producer), Mr. Gheorghe APETREI, tel. +40745.618.158, email: [email protected], https://www.stupina-apetrei.ro
  • Borcanul Fermecat Ltd., Mr. Alexandru UNGUREANU, tel. +40747.391.077, email: [email protected]
  • Buruiană Viorel Authorized Individual, Mr. Viorel BURUIANĂ, tel. +40745.032.375, email: [email protected]
  • The Commercial Society for Medicinal Plant Research and Processing PLANTAVOREL, Ms. Marie Louise IONESCU, tel. +40722.213.684, email: [email protected]
  • Evelyn Team Ltd. (La Nea Ion Macelaru), Mr. Marius BÂRLIBA, tel. +40756.280.786, email: [email protected]
  • Ioniță M.V. Maria Individual Enterprise (Lavanda Zimbrului), Ms. Maria IONIȚĂ, tel.  +40743.456.108, email: [email protected]
  • Merlin’s Beverages Ltd. (POP COLA), Mr. Codrin ALEXIANU, tel. +40756.902.178, email: [email protected]
  • Micu I. V. Constantin Individual Enterprise, organic sea buckthorn producer, Mr. Constantin MICU, tel. +40744.581.853, email: [email protected]
  • Petrans Ltd., Mr. Petru CIOACĂ, tel. +40758.281.285, email: [email protected]
  • Rainer Press Ltd., Mr. Eduard ARSINE, tel. +40758.281.285, email: [email protected]
  • Sestun Ștefan Family Enterprise, Mr. Ștefan ȘESTUN, tel. +40744.349.596
  • Sofiaman Impex Ltd., Florin CUCU, tel. +40233.791.343, email: [email protected]

B. Research and innovation structures

C. Local public administration

D. Catalyst entities

  • The National Directorate of Forests ROMSILVA – Administration of Vânători-Neamț Natural Park, Mr. Sebastian CĂTĂNOIU, tel. +40726.303.240, email: [email protected]

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