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Local Gastronomic Points


Local Gastronomic Points


“La Nuța și Ionică” Local Gastronomic Point in Vânători-Neamț


“Bucate Tradiționale” Local Gastronomic Point in Bicazu Ardelean

  • Address: 231 Main Street, Bicazu Ardelean
  • Phone: +40 745 668 674
  • E-mail: [email protected]


Păstrăvăria Pustnicului (Hermit’s Trout)

  • Address: 3 Poieni Street, Ceahlău Commune
  • Phone: +40 791 471 655
  • E-mail: [email protected]


ADPT Valea Ozanei – traditional food in Neamț area, cooked in a cauldron


Vis Împlinit Copii Fericiţi Ltd.

  • Address: 2F Pietrei Street, Horia Commune
  • Phone: +40 740 706 908; +40 233 747 354

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