Articles tagged with: Varatec Monastery
Attractions, Monasteries, Museums »
In 1960 at Varatec Monastery, in the buildings from the left side of the architectural complex, was organized a museum with religious objects. What makes this collection different from the ones from Agapia Monastery and Neamt Monastery is that here you’ll see objects not only from Varatec Monastery but also from other monasteries as well: sculptures, embroideries, old fabrics, icons, crosses, clothes and ornaments.
The Religious Collection from Varatec Monastery hosts some of the oldest wood painted icons, from XV century that pictures St Nicolae or Archangels Mihail and Gavril brought …
Attractions, Monasteries »
Location: Varatec monastery is located in Agapia commune, at 12 km to Targu Neamt and 40 km to Piatra Neamt in a small valley at the foot of Stanisoara mountain , at an altitude of 460 m.
Year of construction: 1785 by Mother Olimpiada
Address: Varatec village, Agapia commune, Neamt County, postal code 617013
Tel: +(40) 233 41 63 33
The Patron of Varatec Monastery: “Adormirea Maicii Domnului – The Departure of Virgin Mary” (15 August)
Short history of Varatec Monastery
Mother Olimpiada was a nun from the former Topolita Hermitage and between 1781 and …