Articles tagged with: Neamt Monasteries
Attractions, Hermitages »

Horaicioara hermitage is located in the crack of a cliff at an altitude of 900 m at 1 km away from Horaita Monastery. Here you can arrive either by walking on foot from the Monastery Horaita or by car. From DN 15C (Piatra Neamt – Targu Neamt) in Dobreni commune you turn left and you go another 15 km on the road 156A through the villages Negresti and Poiana. After you reach the Monastery Horaita there is a side road that goes to the hermitage.
Address: commune Cracaoani, Neamt County
Tel: +(40) …
Attractions, Monasteries »

Location: Monastery Bodesti is located at 24 km from the town Piatra Neamt on DN 15C (the road that goes from Piatra Neamt to Targu Neamt) right at the entrance in the commune Bodesti.
Address: commune Bodesti, Neamt County
The Patron of the monastery: “St Vasile the Great” celebrated on 1st of January
Construction year: the building of the religious settlement started in 1996 and was finished in 2007.
Because of its location, right near the road that goes to Targu Neamt (the place with the most famous monasteries from Neamt County) the monastery …
Attractions, Monasteries »

Location: Monastery Giurgeni is located at 28 km south-east from the town Roman is the village Vale Ursului
Address: village Giurgeni, commune Valea Ursului, Neamt County
The Patron of the monastery: “The Birth of St Mary, the Mother of Jesus” celebrated on 8 September
Year of construction: built in 1783 by the monk Ghedeon on top of an old religious settlement, rebuilt in the XIX century
The religious settlement from Giurgeni was first mentioned in the beginning of the XVIII century as a hermitage built in 1721 by few Greek monks. In the XIX …
Attractions, Hermitages »

Braniste Hermitage is located at 4 km from the Neamt Monastery, in the commune Vanatori, at 19 km north-west from the town Targu Neamt.
Address: commune Vanatori, Neamt County
Tel: +(40) 233 251 580 and +(40) 745 823 179 from Neamt Monastery
The Patrons: “St Petru and Pavel” celebrated at 29 of June
The Hermitage Braniste is under the administration of the Neamt Monastery and represents a side complex of buildings. The hermitage was built in 1582 from the order of ruler Petru Schipul.
When the abbot of the Neamt Monastery was Arhimandrit …
Attractions, Monasteries »

Location: the Benedict Monastery “Mother of Unity” is located in the village Viisoara, from the commune Alexandru cel Bun, near the town Piatra Neamt
Tel: +(40) 233 261 426
Visiting program: daily between 09.00 and 13.00
Short description
Located in a beautiful natural place, on the eaves of the mountains that surrounds the town Piatra Neamt, The Benedict Monastery “Mother of Unity”, received on the date of 25 March 1998 the first foundation stone from the Pope Joan Paul the II. The founders of the monastery were Arhicenobiul from Arpino and Dieceza …
Attractions, Monasteries »

Location: The Monastery Nechit is located to 8 km from Borlesti, at 37 km SV from Piatra Neamt and at 35 km NV from Buhusi
Address: village Nechit, Borlesti, Neamt County
Tel: +(40) 233 297 422, +(40) 745 852 242
The patron of the monastery: “The Changing of the Face” celebrated at 6 August
Year of the construction: built in the XIV century by the monk Nechit
Short description
The church from Nechit is built on a plane from the west side of the Nechit village and it’s surrounded by woody hills. This place was chosen …