Articles tagged with: ”Dragoș Vodă” Bisons and Carpathian Fauna Reserve
"Forest Berries" Festival, Churches, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Hermitages, Monasteries, Museums, Nature Parks, Touristic Routes in Vânători Neamţ Nature Park »

Recently, just before the 22nd edition of the Medieval Festival “Days of Neamț Fortress”, an article appeared on the platform, which included Neamț Fortress, Bison Land and Agapia Nunnery and Văratec Monasteries among the Top 15 destinations in the country for families, young people, and childrens.
Guarding over the valleys of River Moldova and River Siret, as well as over the access road to Transylvania, Neamț Fortress has gone through numerous sieges that have taken place throughout time, and represents the grand testimony of a turbulent history of the medieval …