Articles tagged with: Ceahlau Massif accommodations
Ceahlău National Park, Entertainment »

Fantanele Chalet from Ceahlau Mountain has its origins in 1641 in the place called Fantanele, where there was the birth point of three mountain springs. This was a common resting place for shepherds, hunters or common people that came here to stay under the shadow of a secular pine tree and drink some fresh, cold water. In time it became a meeting place on Ceahlau Mountain.
In 1854, here was built a modest wooden house that was designed to accommodate different visitors from the high society of that time: Cantacuzini and …
Ceahlău National Park »

The year 1908 represents the moment when Dochia Chalet was first built, along with Shelter no 1, on Ceahlau Mountain. The construction was realized with the help of over 300 volunteers: sportsmen, priests, professors and people from the surrounding villages. Unfortunately in 1909 Dochia Chalet was destroyed because of a powerful storm.
The reconstruction of Dochia Chalet will begin during the summer of 1910 following the plans made by Gh. Bals and with the help of Carol Zane from Piatra Neamt. The chalet was re-open on August 06 1914 and could …