Articles tagged with: Ceahlau Legends
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with blue line, that starts in the village Bicazu Ardelean – Curmatura Stanilelor – Jgheabul lui Voda and goes up to the Dochia Chalet, you’ll see, after you pass Curmatura Stanile, a large trail that goes through the forest and into the plane called Stanilele Mici. Here there is a great belvedere point to all the south part of the mountain.
The legend talks about a shepherd Stanila that came to these places with his herd of sheep. He heard that …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with blue line that starts at the Izvorul Muntelui Chalet – Curmatura Lutu Rosu and goes up to Dochia Chalet, you’ll see at some point a plane that has a sign to know you’re entering the reservation Polita cu Crini. The reservation is documented since 1941. This place, as many others from the mountain Ceahlau , has its own legends.
The first legend is about a monk that went into the mountains to pray and be closer to God. He stopped …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

“Piatra Teiului” Rock or Lime Stone is located at approximately 44 km north-west of Bicaz in the perimeter of Lake Izvorul Muntelui. This rock is a natural monument and the place where is located is also known as “Coada Lacului” (the end of the lake). The rock is 23m height and both because of its shape and its location is a well known tourist attraction in Neamt County.
The locals call it the Devil’s Rock and they also have a few legends associated with the formation of the rock. The …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with a red cross that starts in the Durau resort – Poiana Viezuri – Duruitoarea Waterfall – Poiana Saiusului and goes up to Dochia Chalet, you’ll see the Weeping Stone after you pass Curmatura Stanile.
As every rock from the mountain Ceahlau this one has its own legend but it was lost in time. The main characteristic of it is that it looks like a human face that weeps. Some of the locals say that the rock has magical powers and …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with a red line, that start at the Cabin Fantanele – Piatra Lata – Panaghia – under the peek Toaca and that goes up to the Cabin Dochia, you’ll encounter an imposing stone called Panaghia Stone.
There are few stories about this rock but the most beautiful and interesting one is the legend that was presented to us by the writer Calistrat Hogas. He says that Panaghia was a beautiful girl that the Fates took her on the mountain in the …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

The mountain Ceahlau, the old mountain king from the Moldavian Carpathians, considered by the daci to be the home of their god Zamolxis, it is said that took birth because of the emperor Traian. After he conquered these places he ordered to all the slaves to build a big mountain that will protect them from savage armies. He placed a soldier on top of the mountain that was supposed to let the people know if they’re under attack.
One day the soldier died by an enemy arrow and from that day …