Articles tagged with: Ceahlau Legends
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with a red line, that starts in the Durau resort – Cabin Fantanele – Piatra Lata – Panaghia – under Toaca Peak and goes up to the Dochia Cabin, you’ll see, after you pass the Panaghia Stone, the east side of Toaca Peak. If you go along the trail you’ll reach the top of the peek where you can also see the weather observer. In the clear sky days the view from up here is magnificent.
As all the other important …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

Ceahlau Massif is the most well known mountain of Moldavia and so are its legends. The strange shapes that different stones have are the reason for all the legends that revolve around Ceahlau Mountain and that have their own contribution to the mystic aura of this mountain. Just like a giant that sits with his forehead into the sun, Ceahlau Mountain waits calm the tourists that want to see these strange rocks with their own eyes and to experience the feeling you have once you reached the top of the …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with red cross, that starts in the Durau resort – Duruitoarea Waterfall and goes up to the Cabin Dochia you’ll see, after the waterfall a plane from where you can see Toaca Peak and “Piatra Ciobanului” Stone (translated would be Sheperd’s Stone).
The route that goes from the Duruitoarea Waterfall to the Shepherd’s Stone starts from the left of the waterfall and goes up in an abrupt slope that was arranged by the park’s authorities with wooden stairs and rails. This …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau following the route bookmarked with blue cross, that starts in the village Neagra – Peek Neagra – Plane Varatec – Peek Varatec – Plane Maicilor – The Tower of Butu – Ocolasul Mic and goes up to the Cabin Dochia, you’ll see two joined rocks called the Tower of Butu and Ana.
The legend of these rocks is presented to us by C Matase who speaks about Butu as a brave warrior from the time of ruler Alexandru cel Bun that was inloved with the …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with a red line, that starts in the Durau resort – Cabin Fantanele – Piatra Lata – Panaghia – under Toaca Peak and goes up to the Dochia Cabin, you’ll see, after you pass the Panaghia Stone, the east side of Toaca Peak. If you go along the trail you’ll reach the top of the peek where you can also see the weather observer. In the clear sky days the view from up here is magnificent.
As all the other important …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

If you climb the mountain Ceahlau on the route bookmarked with a blue line that starts at the Cabin Izvorul Muntelui – Curmatura Lutu Rosu and goes up toDochia Chalet, you’ll encounter, after you pass the place called “Polita cu Crini”, a beautiful panoramic view towards Detunate, Dochia Chalet and Ocolasul Mare Peak. From here, the route goes through the spruce forest and after a few bends and twists you reach the base of the stones called ”Detunate”. The existence of these rocks is justified by the locals with two …