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Recreational camps for children and teenagers

Cozla Children’s Camp

It is located in the municipality of Piatra Neamț, in the tourist area of ​​the city, at the foothill of Mount Cozla, opposite the park of the same name and the Zoo.

Contact details:

Neamț County Sports and Youth Directorate

Address: 31 Ştefan cel Mare Street, Post Code: 610101, Piatra Neamț, Neamţ County

Phone Number: +40233.213069 / +40233.233017 / +40233.233016

Fax: +40233.213069 / +40233.233016

E-mail: [email protected]


Tarcău commune

Children’s camps

Hiking, zip line, outdoor and indoor games, movie night, karaoke, contests, miss and mystery camp, campfire, zumba classes, art activities, paintball

Address: Brateş Village, Tarcău Commune, Neamț, Romania

Phone Number: +40765 018 444 • +40765 022 885

EMAIL: [email protected]

Ceahlău National Park



Bicaz area

Camps for children and teenagers

Alphard Educational & Andreea s club

English camp

Phone Number: +40740.999.992 / +40740.335.385



Camps for children – Durău Resort

Corner Flower Camp

Water activities, with a kayak fleet, on Izvorul Muntelui lake

Sports activities: archery, orienteering with compass, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, ping-pong, etc.

Adventure program: climbing park (6 routes), large zip line, huge swing, nature and low rope survival workshops

For information and registration:

Phone number: 0766.092.245

[email protected]


ArtEd Complex / Arcuș Complex

With an experience of 18 years, the camp includes sports activities, theater workshops, dance, visual arts, horseback riding, team games, treasure hunts, karaoke, etc.

Children can also enjoy an adventure park (three zip lines, two trails with 6 suspension bridges, a climbing board, archery) but also hiking in the Ceahlău National Park.

Contact details:

Releu Street, no. 1, 617130, Durău, Neamț county

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone number: +40720.550.767


Oglinzi Leisure Center, children’s camps

Located 4 km far from the town of Târgu Neamţ, in the proximity of the resort with the same name, behind the Neamţ Fortress.

The accommodation capacity is 150 places.

Hiking is organized in the county.

The complex has wireless internet; disco installation; tennis table, chess, backgammon club; small football field; children’s playground;

Contact details: DJST Neamț

Address: Ştefan cel Mare Street, nr.31, Post Code: 610101

Piatra Neamț, Neamţ County

Phone number: +40233.213069 / +40233.233017 / +40233.233016

Fax: +40233.213069 / +40233.233016

E-mail: [email protected]

WebSite: https://djstneamt.ro/tabere/tabara-oglinzi


Negrești commune

Adventure park and children’s camps – Activ Parc & Hostel

Tree climbing, paintball, archery, relaxation and a snack at Activ Parc in Negreşti commune, 15 km from Piatra Neamț;

Contact details:

Phone number: +40754 542 644

E-mail: [email protected]



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