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Articles in the Monasteries Category

Attractions, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Monasteries, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion »

[21 May 2024 | No Comment | ]
Promoting Neamț among young people

As the host of two national Olympiads, the Visual Arts, Architecture, and Art History Olympiad, and the Religion – Orthodox Cult Olympiad for grades IX-XII, Neamț County was visited and discovered this month and in April by over 850 students, teachers, and members of the national evaluation committees. The meritorious young people from all over the country, aspiring to the title of Olympians, enjoyed two excursions to cultural, spiritual, and historical landmarks on the Piatra-Neamț – Bistrița – Pângărați – Bicaz – Bicaz Dam route and the Piatra-Neamț – Agapia …

Churches, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Hermitages, Monasteries, Neamţ County Pilgrimages, Tourism Promotion, Villages in Neamţ »

[5 Mar 2024 | No Comment | ]
The Story of the Seven Miraculous Icons of the Holy Virgin and Saint Anne from Neamț Land

The oldest miraculous icon in Romania is to be found at Neamț Monastery
Photo credit: doxologia.ro
Renowned not only for its beauty and historical significance but also called the “Jerusalem of Romanian Orthodoxy,” Neamț Monastery houses the miraculous icon of Virgin Mary with three hands – Tricheirousa or Lidianca, the latter nickname given after her country of origin. History says that the icon, depicting the Mother of God holding her Child in her arms, and on the back having Saint Great Martyr George painted, was made in the year 665, in …

Attractions, Cultural routes, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Hermitages, Monasteries, Nature Parks, Neamţ, simply delicious!, Tourism Promotion, Touristic Routes in Vânători Neamţ Nature Park, Vânători Neamţ Nature Park, Villages in Neamţ »

[22 Feb 2024 | No Comment | ]
Vânători-Neamț, in Top 10 Tourist Destinations 2024, by FIJET Romania

Vânători-Neamț occupies the 7th position out of top 10 destinations recommended by FIJET Romania – Tourism Press Club. Vânători-Neamț is where “Dragoș Vodă” Carpathian Wildlife and Bisons Reserve is located, a one of a kind reserve in Romania, the only zoo located in the rural area, afar from urban areas, where bisons roam free in the forests of the park. The first specimens of bison were brought from Poland. Over time the bison population has increased or decreased. Currently, there are 7 bison in the reserve that can be observed …

Attractions, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Monasteries, Tourism Promotion »

[11 Jan 2024 | No Comment | ]
Tazlău Monastery Ensemble has been restored using European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

After six years of hard work, the project of “reviving” one of the most prestigious establishments of Voivode Stephen the Great, in Tazlău commune, finally came to completion. The project amounted a total value of approximately five million euros, and involved the restoration, consolidation, and protection of all five historic buildings (“Nativity of Mary” Church, the Princely House, the Bell Tower, the Guard Tower, and the Enclosing Wall) with a total area of ​​1510 square meters, as well as the landscaping of green spaces, pedestrian walkways, sidewalks, and architectural lighting.
The …

Attractions, Cultural routes, Customs, traditions and crafts, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Monasteries, Nature Parks, Neamţ County Pilgrimages, Tourism Promotion, Vânători Neamţ Nature Park »

[24 Aug 2023 | No Comment | ]
Daibau: “Neamț with its thousands of reasons calls you to discover it!”

The Daibau concept: Executants, products and prices all in one place
The first specialized platform in the construction industry, with over one million visitors, over 70.000 craftsmen, and a business developed in 12 European markets, talks in its magazine about the beauties of Neamt County:
The Daibau platform, founded by architects Martin Pelcl and Gregor Černelč, achieves for the first time what neither social networks nor marketing agencies have succeeded in doing: it brings together architects, investors, craftsmen, and contractors online. Thus, the Daibau concept comes to digitize the construction industry, one …

"Forest Berries" Festival, Churches, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Hermitages, Monasteries, Museums, Nature Parks, Touristic Routes in Vânători Neamţ Nature Park »

[30 Jun 2023 | No Comment | ]
Parents and children, on vacation in Neamț! A recommendation signed by Twinkl.ro


Recently, just before the 22nd edition of the Medieval Festival “Days of  Neamț Fortress”, an article appeared on the Twinkl.ro platform, which included Neamț Fortress, Bison Land and Agapia Nunnery and Văratec Monasteries among the Top 15 destinations in the country for families, young people, and childrens.
Guarding over the valleys of River Moldova and River Siret, as well as over the access road to Transylvania, Neamț Fortress has gone through numerous sieges that have taken place throughout time, and represents the grand testimony of a turbulent history of the medieval …