Articles in the Fortresses Category
Attractions, Cultural routes, Customs, traditions and crafts, Entertainment, Fortresses, Monasteries, Museums, Nature Parks, Neamţ, simply delicious!, Tourism Promotion »

Below you can enjoy some focal points of discussion taken from an interview about Neamţ County as a tourist destination, broadcasted on Radio Romania International, on March 25, 2021. Adrian Niţă, representative of the Communications & Public Relations Department from Neamț County Council talked about the many picturesque places, captivating stories, welcoming people and many other amazing things and places to be seen and discovered in Neamț, an enchanting territory among the beauties of Romania.
Which are the main reasons travelers choose Neamț as their destination?
Cultural routes, hiking routes, interesting museums, …
Attractions, Cultural routes, Entertainment, Fortresses, Monasteries, Museums, Nature Parks, Neamţ, simply delicious!, Tourism Promotion »

The Route of EDEN destinations in Romania was acknowledged by the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism as a certified national cultural-tourist route.
Neamț County included in the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) Route in Romania
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Neamț County: the 4th position in the category “Local intangible tourism and patrimony”
Among the European Destinations of Excellence, Neamț County is recognized for the numerous monasteries, which are important due to their special architecture and connection with some of the most significant moments in the area’s history and also for the museums and memorial …
Attractions, Fortresses, Lakes in Neamţ County, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion »

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Photo credit: Cyclic Agency
The project is an initiative that aims to highlight the spectacular tourist attractions in Romania, the most beautiful natural environments in the country, using original musical backgrounds, creating a unique media experience for the audiences, through various live streams and after movies.
“We want to encourage Romanians to spend their holidays in the country in the future, when the social distancing measures to control the COVID-19 will end. This will result in a positive revival for the entire business ecosystem in Romania, in order to recover after …
Ceahlău National Park, Fortresses, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion, Tourist trails »

Neamţ Land is a destination where tourists can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, find inner peace, go back to nature, live simple, and experience revelations. Once in the consciousness of visitors, these lands cannot be forgotten.
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Visitors can spend a special holiday in Neamţ Land, discovering a fairy tale like realm, immersed in myths and legends. Here, Ceahlău Massif, the Holy mountain of the Romanians, shrouded in mystery and spirituality, reflects its majesty in the huge mirror of water of Izvoru Muntelui Lake, the largest anthropic …
Attractions, Ceahlău National Park, Entertainment, Fortresses, Hiking Routes, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion, Tourist trails, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

Summer camps with interactive activities at Durău Mountain Resort
Surely, an unforgettable holiday!
Located in a sunny clearing in the North-West of Ceahlău Mountain at 820 m altitude, Durău Resort is famous for the summer camps organized here, every year. The most interesting fact is that camps not only offer mountain hikes and sightseeing tours, but also a large number of interactive activities including sports, theatre, dance, visual arts, gardening, architecture, photography, film, experimental labs for kids, modeling, workshops for the development of handicraft skills, equitation, team games, treasure hunting, karaoke, exercises …
Attractions, Ceahlău National Park, Entertainment, Fortresses, Hiking Routes, Nature Parks, Participation in Tourism Fairs, Tourism Promotion, Tourist trails, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

Ceahlău Massif – “a giant who’s forehead is caressed by the sun”
A view of ”the Enchanted mountain”
“The giant immersed in the rays of the sun” as described in the famous poem “Summer” by George Coşbuc, Ceahlău Mountain is a very special place which many Romanian and foreign writers have spoken about. This “gemstone” of Moldavia, as Dimitrie Cantemir called it in his famous Latin writing “Descriptio Moldaviae” from 1716, Ceahlău Mountain is situated in the middle of the Oriental Carpathians, in the western part of Neamţ County, at the crossroad …