Articles in the The Legends from Ceahlău Massif Category
Ceahlău National Park, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Hiking Routes, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif, Tourism Promotion, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

Following the hiking trail from Izvorul Muntelui to Poiana Maicilor (Nuns’ Glade), right before reaching Dochia Chalet, tourists pass by two impressive rock formations called „Clăile lui Miron” (Miron’s Haystacks).
The legend speaks of an old shepherd from Secu / Izvorul Alb, who came here a long time ago, to find pastures for his flock. Reaching high to the sky and full of greenery, these massif rocks exerted a particular fascination on the shepherd, whose name was Miron. Miron used to stop by these rocks, especially on nights of the full …
Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

Located in the middle of the Eastern Carpathians, Ceahlău Massif is the mountain where, in time, many hermits have worked on their spiritual ascension, and almost every rock, stream or secret passage has a story of its own.
In winter, the landscapes seem taken from fairy tales, and seeing the beautiful chamois is a true visual delight for the tourists.
Photo credit: Septimiu Bizo
Attractions, Ceahlău National Park, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif, Tourism Promotion »

Photo Credit @ Iulian Radu:
A sunset and sunrise contemplated from the top of the mountain bring healing, pleasure to your eyes, and offer a lot of joy for those who travel to see it.
Ptoho Credit @ Alex Jitaru:
On Ceahlău, the magic mountain, the holy mountain of Romanians, every place hides a legend, every image tells a story!
Dochia and Trajan, Stănile, Panaghia, The Water Rock, The Tower of Butu and Ana, The Thunderstruck Rocks, The ledge with lilies.The Sheperd’s Rock or Toaca Peak, and many others that are impressive rocks and …
Attractions, Ceahlău National Park, Hiking Routes, Nature Parks, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif, Tourism Promotion, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

Exploring the fascinating natural universe of Ceahlău Massif
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Izvorul Muntelui is a very picturesque area in Neamț County. It is also the starting point for three of the eight trails leading on top of Ceahlău Massif.
Here tourists from everywhere have the chance to enter Ceahlău National Park Visitors’ Centre and have a “live taste” of what the wide and complex natural universe of the mountain really means. The Visitors’ Centre is more than a museum, inviting its visitors to step inside a natural micro universe and gradually discover its mysteries, …
Ceahlău National Park, Customs, traditions and crafts, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif, Tourism Promotion, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

Invitation to climb Ceahlău Massif to discover the fascinating legend of “Baba Dochia”
1st of March is a traditional feast of spring for Romanians everywhere, a day when people celebrate the return of the sun, the freshness of springtime, and at the symbolic level, the Light conquering darkness. On this day, people offer small tokens of good fortune, known as trinkets (“Rom. “mărtişor”). This practice has its roots in an ancient custom, inherited from old times past, and it is spread among populations in southeastern Europe. The custom of trinkets offering …
The Legends from Ceahlău Massif »

The 1st of March is approaching and beside the customs and traditions related to the trinket (mărțișor) the herald of spring, popular belief reminds of The Old Ladies’ legend, associated with Baba Dochia, the one who brings winter. Once the weather gets warmer, from the 1st to the 9th of March, Baba Dochia starts throwing away her heavy coats.
The beginning of spring is a good occasion for the tourists who like trekking to climb Ceahlău Mountain. Up there, Dochia Cliff reminds of a beautiful legend. According to it, Dochia was …