Articles in the Hiking Routes Category
Bicaz Gorges - Hăşmaş National Park, Hiking Routes, Tourist Routes in Bicaz Gorges »
“Pestera Tunel” (The Tunnel Cave) is located in Cheile Sugaului – Munticelu Nature Reserve and crosses the mighty ridge “Piatra Glodului” (The Mud Stone). Also called by locals “Pestera Sura Glodului” (The Mud Burn’s Cave) the cave it’s like a tunnel carved into the massive stone wall by nature. Huge boulders were dislocated by a natural cataclysm and shaped this impressive passing through the stone wall.
The trail to “Pestera Tunel” (The Tunnel Cave) starts at the entrance in Cheile Bicazului, on the right, where Cheile Sugaului – Munticelu Reservation starts. …
Bicaz Gorges - Hăşmaş National Park, Hiking Routes, Tourist Routes in Bicaz Gorges »
Cheile Bicazului – Hasmas National Park is a spectacular area from Neamt County with numerous hiking trails. Behind the rock walls that surround the road DN 12C opens a world full of wonderful sceneries, haystacks and simple people that live their lives by rules forgotten by us who live in towns. The route that follows goes up through Cheile Bicajelului and reaches Lacul Rosu Resort by traveling on the road Drumul Surducului.
The route starts on the road DN 12 C, at the point called “Podul Ungurilor” – “Hungarians Bridge”, located …
Bicaz Gorges - Hăşmaş National Park, Hiking Routes, Tourist Routes in Bicaz Gorges »
One of the most spectacular hiking routes in Cheile Bicazului starts at the Stone “Piatra Altarului”: that big pointy rock with a cross on top of it. The hiking route goes through Lapos Canyon, a left side affluent of Bicaz Creek. The starting point of this route is located right after the exit from the tunnel, on the left, in the parking organized by Neamt County Council. Here you can leave your car.
Crossing the street, the hiking route starts with a red triangle marking. After a short steep hike you …
Hiking Routes »
The starting point of this hiking route is in Damuc Commune, at the stone church in Huisurez Village. It’s best to leave your car at the school in Damuc, which will also be the finishing point of the route. From there you go on foot on the communal road, until on your left you see a stone church located on a hill.
From here you’ll have to seek an access point to the hill from your left. The first part of the route will challenge your conditioning. To reach Asau Peak …
Hiking Routes »
The starting point of this hiking route is at the old sandstone career from Tarcau. To reach this point you start by car on the road that goes from Piatra Neamt to Bicaz. At some point you make a left to Tarcau and you continue until you reach Brates Village. Here you’ll make a right on a dirt road that goes into the forest parallel with Brates Creek.
This road takes you to the old sandstone career where you can also leave the car. From here you continue on foot to …
Hiking Routes, Other Articles, Tourism Promotion, Tourist trails »
For those who are not yet convinced of how beautiful Neamt County really is, we invite them on some tourist routes across the county to discover museums, monasteries, historic monuments and nature reserves that speak about the cultural, historical and natural richness of the places.
Neamt County has a great tourist potential for museum and cultural lovers or for those who love hiking. The cultural heritage offered by the highest concentration of monasteries from Romania or memorial houses of famous Romanian writers like Ion Creanga, Calistrat Hogas or Mihail Sadoveanu can …