Articles in the Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council Category
Customs, traditions and crafts, Days of Neamţ Fortress, Entertainment, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Fortresses, Local artisans, Tourism Promotion »

The Medieval Festival that celebrates Neamț Fortress and the local history reached its 21st edition this year and delighted both tourists and locals eager to take part in such outdoor events, after two years of restrictions due to the pandemic.
For the public, the festival meant 3 wonderful days of traveling back in times past, in ages of great historical significance, vibrating to medieval music rhythms, witnessing battle confrontations of the knights and the gracious dances of the ladies, and last but not least enjoying live performances of beloved artists: Paula …
"Hope Chest" Folk Art Festival, Attractions, Customs, traditions and crafts, Editorial releases, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Exhibitions, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Local artisans, Neamţ, simply delicious!, Tourism Promotion »

Come to Piatra-Neamț to attend the 17th edition of the beloved folk art festival!
Already a tradition, the festival in Neamț is the place of meeting with the real Keepers of Tradition, who owe the responsibility of preserving the priceless Romanian art and folk heritage.
The weekend of May, 26-28, 2023 is dedicated to folk art, and it brings to the public and tourists alike the opportunity of a face to face encounter with tradition, with talented craftsmen or young artisans who carry on the valuable heritage.
As if it were in a …
Customs, traditions and crafts, Entertainment, Events, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Local artisans, Museums, Neamţ Icons: Great Artists & Thinkers, Tourism Promotion, Villages in Neamţ »

At the beginning of March, the community in Neamţ is proud to evoke the personality of Ion Creangă, the most beloved Romanian storyteller, at 186 years after his birth.
2nd edition: 1-3 March, 2023
Photo gallery:
“Ion Creangă” Festival will take place between March 1-3 at “Ion Creangă” House of Culture in Târgu-Neamț and includes interesting and diverse activities that praise the literary significance of Creangă’s writings. Ion Creangă is the most beloved Romanian storyteller of all times, who enriched our national culture by evoking his wonderful childhood, admirably preserving the emotion of …
Attractions, Days of Neamţ Fortress, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Fortresses, Museums, Tourism Promotion »

Standing as a testimony of the turbulent history of the Moldavian state in Middle Ages, Neamț Fortress was first documented in 1395.
Built during the reign of Petru Musat (1374-1391), when a central fort was erected, on which massive walls were raised with defensive cannons at the corners the fortress reached its full glory during the reign of Stephen the Great (1457-1504), due to numerous works of extension and consolidation. In the second stage of extending the building, the outer courtyard was arranged, more walls and some bastions, a defense trench …
Customs, traditions and crafts, Entertainment, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Villages in Neamţ »

The 10th edition of the festival gathered thousands of locals and tourists in Târgu-Neamț, the audience being larger in number than ever.
Overall, 500 participants per formed on the stage of the festival. Out of the 22 groups which entered the competition, The Bears from Dărmănești from Bacău County and Mlădițe de Folclor from Oglinzi, Neamţ County, ranked first. There were two folk ensembles which shared the second ranking, one ensemble occupying the third place and three special mentions in the competition.
Those who attended the festival enjoyed the parade of ancestral …
Attractions, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Tourism Promotion »

New Year’s Festival of Customs and Traditions
The 10th edition, Târgu-Neamt, January 2, 2023
The programme of the event includes a parade of costumes, masks, and New Year’s customs, performances of the bands on the festival stage, as well as the awarding ceremony.
While the locals hardly wait for the festival to begin, the tourists who arrive in the area will be pleasantly surprised to discover the authentic local values of Neamt County and will most certainly be mesmerised by the mask dances, and the characters’ display and parade, especially designed for the …