Articles in the Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council Category
Entertainment, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council »

At the end of the month, guitars will be heard playing at a new edition of the “B-Zone Folk Romania” festival, in the charming small town full of tourist attractions at the foot of Neamț Fortress.
Thus, we invite you on July 27th and 28th to enjoy renowned voices and those guitar songs that have become known and loved, some with powerful messages, becoming important milestones that have represented generations in our country over the decades.
Event program:
Saturday, July 27, 2024, “Ștefan cel Mare” Amphitheater in Târgu-Neamț
17:00 – “Ariciorii” Children’s Group, Sânziana …
Customs, traditions and crafts, Days of Neamţ Fortress, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Exhibitions, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Fortresses, Local artisans, Tourism Promotion, Vânători Neamţ Nature Park »

A new edition of the “Neamț Fortress Days – Pax inter Urbes” Festival is coming up!
On June 29 and 30, 2024, locals and tourists are invited to the fortress’ base in Târgu-Neamț for another hot edition featuring cannon salutes, the sound of trumpets and drums, knight camps, weapon and armor exhibitions, delicious traditional dishes, fire shows, and impressive historical reenactments recalling significant battles documented in history and literature.
Like the previous edition, the stadium at the fortress’ base will buzz with activities from the knight camps, workshops for young archers, and …
"Forest Berries" Festival, Churches, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Hermitages, Monasteries, Museums, Nature Parks, Touristic Routes in Vânători Neamţ Nature Park »

Recently, just before the 22nd edition of the Medieval Festival “Days of Neamț Fortress”, an article appeared on the platform, which included Neamț Fortress, Bison Land and Agapia Nunnery and Văratec Monasteries among the Top 15 destinations in the country for families, young people, and childrens.
Guarding over the valleys of River Moldova and River Siret, as well as over the access road to Transylvania, Neamț Fortress has gone through numerous sieges that have taken place throughout time, and represents the grand testimony of a turbulent history of the medieval …
Attractions, Days of Neamţ Fortress, Entertainment, Events, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Fortresses, Local artisans, Tourism Promotion, Vânători Neamţ Nature Park »

When? June 30 – July 2, 2023
Where? Stadium – Neamț Fortress – Shows Amphitheater
Performances, medieval battles and armored combat demonstrations, medieval costumes parade, traditional delicacies, workshops and games for kids, treasure hunts, fire juggling, middle ages interactive history lessons, and much more.
“Days of Neamţ Fortress” Medieval Festival is an annual event organized by Neamț County Council, Târgu-Neamț Local Council, the National Museum Complex in Neamț County, “Carmen Saeculare” Centre for Culture and Arts in Neamț and “Ion Creangă” House of Culture in Târgu-Neamț.
You can find the full programme of …
Customs, traditions and crafts, Days of Neamţ Fortress, Entertainment, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Fortresses, Local artisans, Tourism Promotion »

The Medieval Festival that celebrates Neamț Fortress and the local history reached its 21st edition this year and delighted both tourists and locals eager to take part in such outdoor events, after two years of restrictions due to the pandemic.
For the public, the festival meant 3 wonderful days of traveling back in times past, in ages of great historical significance, vibrating to medieval music rhythms, witnessing battle confrontations of the knights and the gracious dances of the ladies, and last but not least enjoying live performances of beloved artists: Paula …
"Hope Chest" Folk Art Festival, Attractions, Customs, traditions and crafts, Editorial releases, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Exhibitions, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Local artisans, Neamţ, simply delicious!, Tourism Promotion »

Come to Piatra-Neamț to attend the 17th edition of the beloved folk art festival!
Already a tradition, the festival in Neamț is the place of meeting with the real Keepers of Tradition, who owe the responsibility of preserving the priceless Romanian art and folk heritage.
The weekend of May, 26-28, 2023 is dedicated to folk art, and it brings to the public and tourists alike the opportunity of a face to face encounter with tradition, with talented craftsmen or young artisans who carry on the valuable heritage.
As if it were in a …