Articles in the Editorial releases Category
"Hope Chest" Folk Art Festival, Attractions, Customs, traditions and crafts, Editorial releases, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Exhibitions, Faith and spirituality in Neamţ, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Local artisans, Neamţ, simply delicious!, Tourism Promotion »

Come to Piatra-Neamț to attend the 17th edition of the beloved folk art festival!
Already a tradition, the festival in Neamț is the place of meeting with the real Keepers of Tradition, who owe the responsibility of preserving the priceless Romanian art and folk heritage.
The weekend of May, 26-28, 2023 is dedicated to folk art, and it brings to the public and tourists alike the opportunity of a face to face encounter with tradition, with talented craftsmen or young artisans who carry on the valuable heritage.
As if it were in a …
Editorial releases »

In Romania there are several important books on the matter of wood churches and most of these books are about Transilvania and Maramures regions. “Old wood churches from Neamt County” is a book that many expected it for this part of Romania. The two researchers that wrote the book speak about 29 churches built on a period of about three centuries. The oldest from the XVI century is the church from Valeni, Piatra Neamt and the church from Hartesti, Margineni that dates from 1683.
The religious tradition in Neamt County was …