Home » "Hope Chest" Folk Art Festival, Customs, traditions and crafts, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Exhibitions, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Local artisans, Tourism Promotion

Weekend of traditions and folk art in Piatra-Neamț

24 May 2024 No Comment

The 18th edition, May 24-26, 2024, Youth Park, Piatra-Neamț

A new edition of the traditional fair is approaching, with book launches, the joy of reuniting with old acquaintances, and craftsmen visiting our city for the first time.

This year, almost 60 guests from various ethnographic areas of the country and from the Republic of Moldova will participate, representing the main domains of folk art: pottery, wood processing, metalworking, domestic industry, leatherwork, mask making, jewelry making, icon making, weaving in various materials, eggs decorating, and soap making.


On the first two days, the craftsmen will give demonstrations, and a wood processing workshop will initiate those who wish to learn the secrets of this ancient craft.

As part of the festival, on Friday, May 24, at 5:00 PM, at the Piatra-Neamț Art Museum, we invite you to book launch: Feodosia Rotaru, “The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Bacău County, I,” Vasile Alecsandri Publishing House, Bacău, 2024, and Eugen D. Neculau, “Meaning and Order in the Romanian Village,” Vasiliana`98 Publishing House, Iași 2023, editor Marcel Lutic. Alongside the author and editor, Iulian Bucur, Head of the Ethnography Section at the “Iulian Antonescu” Museum Complex in Bacău, ethnologist Dr. Tinka Nyisztor, and folk craftsmen will participate.

As at every edition since 2011, the National Museum Complex Neamț will award the “Neculai Popa” prizes for promoting folk art.

“The Hope Chest” Art Festival is an event organized by the Neamț County Council, the National Museum Complex Neamț, in partnership with the Association of Folk Craftsmen of Moldova.

AUTONOM company is the sponsor of this edition.

Below are some images from the last year’s edition:

See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

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