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March the 1st, another opportunity to bring the village together!

21 February 2024 No Comment

A Fair dedicated to the beginning of Spring will be held in Borleşti Village. On the 25th of February 2024 the first edition of the fair will welcome its visitors, between 11:30 and 16:00

This is the project that is currently mobilizing an entire rural community in Neamț County.

These days the entire community in Borlești is buzzing with preparations for the next event, an occasion of joy because the people are once again joining forces to create something beautiful together, following “Altița ulițelor din Borlești”, a bridge between generations for local traditions.

The initiator of the project is Sustainable Village Association, rightfully seen as the local cultural management authority, conducting its activities right in the heart of the community, and having the know-how bringing people together, creating meaningful and lasting connections, and putting out admirable initiatives.

And because those who carry out such projects show a lot of creativity, local producers and exhibitors spoke about one another with a lot of emotion, as it usually happens in small communities, where people know each other well, always give a helping hand, and share wonderful moments together.

We dare you to come and discover the village and its people! Don’t hesitate to participate in a different kind of fair, with trinkets and hand-made gifts for all tastes and budgets! These products are crafted with love and care by talented children and skilled local artisans.

The project is carried out in partnership with Borlești City Hall, the Parents’ Association of Borlești Secondary School and Ruseni Secondary School.

We are proud to encourage local initiatives! Neamţ County is full of story-telling communities where you can have a unique tourist experience.

See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

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