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The fourth edition of folk music in Târgu-Neamț

18 July 2024 No Comment

At the end of the month, guitars will be heard playing at a new edition of the “B-Zone Folk Romania” festival, in the charming small town full of tourist attractions at the foot of Neamț Fortress.

Thus, we invite you on July 27th and 28th to enjoy renowned voices and those guitar songs that have become known and loved, some with powerful messages, becoming important milestones that have represented generations in our country over the decades.

Event program:

Saturday, July 27, 2024, “Ștefan cel Mare” Amphitheater in Târgu-Neamț

17:00 – “Ariciorii” Children’s Group, Sânziana Ailenei, “Magic Folk” Group, and Paul Tihan

19:00 – “Cenaclul Flacăra” with Andrei Păunescu and his guests

21:00 – Cristofor Aldea-Teodorovici & Band


Sunday, July 28, 2024, “Ștefan cel Mare” Amphitheater in Târgu-Neamț

17:00 – “Eu Cred” Cultural Association from Tașca and Daria Boghean from Târgu-Neamț

18:00 – Ocru

19:00 – Fără Zahăr

20:00 – Pavel Stratan

21:00 – Mihai Mărgineanu & Band

Tourists and locals attending the event can also enjoy other activities at the festival that will take place at the Neamț Fortress Stadium, in the same time slot as the artistic moments, 17:00-22:00.

There, local craftsmen will present their products, there will be a caricature workshop with Marian Avramescu, a retro car exhibition, and, last but not least, a gastronomic activity.

“B-Zone Folk Romania,” organized by the Neamț County Council, the Târgu-Neamț City Hall and Local Council, and the “Ion Creangă” Cultural Center Târgu-Neamț, will be in its fourth edition this summer.

Images from last year’s edition:

This was, briefly, the third edition of the “B-Zone Folk Romania” festival in Târgu-Neamț!

See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

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