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Kayak Fest, 2024

14 June 2024 No Comment

Preparations are in full swing for lovers of water sports, fresh mountain air, and enchanting views.

The seventh edition of the Bicaz Kayak Fest will take place this year on June 22 and 23.

What will this year’s edition be like?

Here are just a few images that can inspire your adventure and bring you to Neamț:

The Marathon and Half-marathon competitions are scheduled on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 10 AM:

  • The Marathon competition will cover a distance of 40 kilometers, starting from Bicaz port, turning around at Ceahlău village (upstream end of the lake), and returning.
  • The Half-marathon competition will cover a distance of 20 kilometers, starting from Bicaz port, turning around at Buhalnița village, Lostrița Guesthouse, and returning.

The area is exceptionally picturesque, and the routes are not difficult, so in the evening, participants will have enough energy to enjoy a wonderful party.

Next day, those who still have energy can participate in sprint and eskimo-rolling competitions, starting at 11 AM.

The award ceremony is scheduled around 2 PM.

On Monday, being the Pentecost holiday, we invite you to explore more of the lake area, the town of Bicaz, and the Ceahlău National Park with the Durău resort and mountain trails, as you will discover many special attractions and tourist sites.

Participation conditions and the link to the festival location can be found on the organizers’ website:


The event is funded, initiated, and organized by the Outdooris Club and Bicaz City Hall.

See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

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