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Vânători-Neamț, in Top 10 Tourist Destinations 2024, by FIJET Romania

22 February 2024 No Comment

Vânători-Neamț occupies the 7th position out of top 10 destinations recommended by FIJET Romania – Tourism Press Club. Vânători-Neamț is where “Dragoș Vodă” Carpathian Wildlife and Bisons Reserve is located, a one of a kind reserve in Romania, the only zoo located in the rural area, afar from urban areas, where bisons roam free in the forests of the park. The first specimens of bison were brought from Poland. Over time the bison population has increased or decreased. Currently, there are 7 bison in the reserve that can be observed by the curious visitors who come by. Besides the bison, the largest land animal in Europe, the reserve is also home to red deer, roe deer, wild boars, and various colorful birds. The protected area covers almost 30 acres. In addition to the zoo and the relaxing natural setting, tourists can also enjoy 3 ponds, some of which are also intended for fishing.

As stated in the description on FIJET Romania’s official webpage, Vânători-Neamț Commune is closely guarded by the ancient Neamţ Fortress, and is the cradle of Romanian spiritual, cultural, historical, and natural values. The spirituality of the area is obvious at every step. You can visit four monasteries and nine hermitages in the commune, among which Neamț Monastery, also known as the “Jerusalem of Romanian Orthodoxy” is certainly the place with the greatest spiritual and historical charge. First certified in documents in 1210, it is acknowledged as one of the oldest and most significant monastic settlements in Moldavia, and was build between the 14th and 17th centuries, under the auspices of benefactors such as Petru I Muşat, Alexander the Blessed and Stephen the Great. The monastic settlement includes the church, dating back from the 14th century, an invaluable religious art museum and a museum of print, and the oldest monastic library, counting over 12,000 volumes in 1862, testimonies about significant historical, theological, cultural and artistic facts.

The monasticism in Neamţ experienced a continuous increase since the reign of Stephen the Great. The art of wood carving, painting, or miniature art, specific to the area, are recognized as such and celebrated throughout the Christian world.

Destinațiile FIJET România 2024. Locul 7: Vânători-Neamț

As stated in the article that you can find by accessing the link above, Neamț Monastery is also known for the miracles associated with the icon of the Holy Virgin, “Our Guiding Lady” gifted to Alexander the Blessed by the Byzantine emperor, John VIII Palaiologos, in 1429. Nearby the monastery, several hermitages cand be found: Vovidenia, Pocrov, Icoana nouă, Icoana veche, Cărbuna and Braniște. In the administration of Vovidenia Monastery, there is a bishop’s house, built by Visarion Puiu, Metropolitan of Bucovina, where the well-known novelist Mihail Sadoveanu spent his summer retreats. Secu Monastery, founded by Nestor Ureche, and Sihăstria Monastery, where great monks lived – Rev. Cleopa, Rev. Paisie Olaru, and Rev. Ioanichie Bălan, complete the list. People say the commune is guarded by Saint Pious Theodora of Sihla, who lived in a secluded cave in the mountains.

The nomination of Vânători-Neamț for Top 10 Tourist Destinations 2024 was done by Valentin-Lucian Beloiu, PhD in Sociology, traveler and photographer, motivated by the fact that the area is considered the “Heart of Bison Land”, a place where ecotourism and cycle tourism harmoniously combine with ecumenical tourism. In the mesmerizing woods of Neamț County, as were beautifully depicted by Calistrat Hogaș, tourists cand find trekking and cycling trails, not to mention the delicious Moldovan dishes that take you back in time, to “childhood memories” and your grandparents’ house! In Vânători-Neamț there is also a “Village Museum”, where visitors can admire traditional old household objects, and “Vasile Găman” Ethnographic Museum, the house of the artisan Vasile Găman, full of proofs of his talent and craftsmanship. The locals preserve their customs and traditions with dignity, regularly organizing festivals during which the guests, together with the locals, can enjoy selected dishes, songs, round dances, and plenty of good cheer.

Last year, the Sturdza Complex in Miclăușeni, Iaşi County, ranked 7th, while Durău Resort from Neamț County ranked 10th.

This year, the 1st place in the ranking is held by Rimetea Village, followed by Vatra Dornei, Borsec, Jurilovca, Sulina and Iași. Grădiștea de Munte, Timișoara, and Târgu-Mureș were ranked 8th, 9th and 10th respectively.


The awarding ceremony of Top 10 destinations in Romania was organized during the Romanian Tourism Fair in Bucharest (February 15-18, 2024), where FIJET Romania – Tourism Press Club participated with a stand.

To find out more about each of the winning tourist destination in 2024, go check the official webpage and the Facebook page of FIJET Romania – Tourism Press Club

Photo gallery © FIJET Romania – Tourism Press Club



See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

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