Home » Attractions, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion, Vânători Neamţ Nature Park

Bison Safari in Neamț. Bookings now available on Booktes

1 July 2021 No Comment

The one of a kind experience of Bison Safari in Neamț can be enjoyed by tourists from all around the country and the world, as it’s now even more available and easier to book.

So, if you want to see the bisons, you have to book your place at least 3 days before your visit by clicking on the following link: https://booktes.com/bilet/safari-cu-zimbri or directly at Vânători-Neamţ Natural Park Administration Centre: www.vanatoripark.ro and also by calling + or +

You can practice Bison Safari either on foot or by using an offroad vehicle, in semi-freedom or in liberty, observing bisons roaming in the wild. The shortest route lasts for 2 hours and is of medium difficulty. Of course, besides meeting the bisons, the visitors can also see other animals from the rich wildlife of the natural park, rare species or specimens on the verge of being extinct, such as: brown bear, lynx, otter, wild cat, Carpathian stag, deer and many others.

Activity organized by Vânători-Neamț Natural Park Administration Centre

Duration: approx. 2 hours

Total lengh: 3,5 km

Route difficulty: light

Departure/Arrival point: Vânători-Neamț Natural Park Visiting Centre

Tourists coming to Neamț have a unique opportunity to see Europe’s largest herbivore ”at home”, Vânători-Neamţ Natural Park is the first location in Romania where the bison was set free, after more than two centuries from its disappearance into the wild.

The bison is the largest European land mammal that can reach up to a weight of 920 kg for males, that are more impressive, and of 640 kg for females. Females live in herds together with their calves, while the males are solitary.

Vânători-Neamț Natural Park has consecutively been included in the famous ”Top 100 Sustainable Destinations Worldwide” and it’s the only place in Europe where tourists can visit the bisons in three habitat types: inside the Bisons Reserve, in semi-freedom, in the acclimatization enclosure at Vânători-Neamț Natural Park Visiting Centre and also roamning free, in the forests of the park.

Photo Gallery:

The bisons are kept in a acclimatization enclosure placed nearby the Visiting Centre so as to reduce the accommodation time and to accustom the animals to the freedom conditions. The enclosure is impressive not only by its wide surface, of approx. 444.80 acres, but especially by the multitude of natural habitats, the deciduous forests, fir and mixt forests, some of them consisting of trees that are more than 200 year-old. The complex natural scenery, made of woods and streams intertwined as a mosaic, is perfect for the bisons to get accustomed to the wilderness. In the last 15 years, human intervention has been totally prohibited around the enclosure, so that nature could follow its natural course.

At the Visiting Centre tourists receive the necessary information to prepare themselves for the unknown world of the bisons. Accompanied by a ranger of the Park, using adequate personal protective equipment, tourists can begin their adventure in finding the animals on foot, in the acclimatization enclosure. Most part of the route crosses paths with the trails used by the bisons in their search for nurture, so their traces can easily be seen. The bison is known to be an “architect” of landscapes. The pedestrian suspension bridge of 13 m high has also an educational purpose. From the top of the wooden bridge, one can see all the surroundings. During the cold season, tourists can also see the bisons that come to feed themselves.

Photo Gallery:

On the route there are no less than 10 tourist attractions, where the ranger gives tourists additional information about the local flora and fauna and the interdependence between them and the bisons. Keeping quiet is very important in order to reach close to the bisons and also to hear “the voice” of the forest, a song that changes uninterruptedly.

Located in the North of the county, Vânători-Neamț Natural Park spreads on an area of almost 76602 acres, of which more than 64248 acres are forestry fund, on the Eastern slope of Stânișoara Mountains and the Sub-Carpathians in Neamț, covering Ozana and Cracău rivers’ basins.

Encompassing Crăcăoani, Agapia, Vânători-Neamț communes, Bălțătesti and Oglinzi resorts, and also 4 Protected Areas, namely ”The Silver Forest”, ”The Copper Forest”, ”Dumbrava Oaks Reserve” and ”Dragoș Vodă Bison Rehttps://www.tinutulzimbrului.ro/en/home/serve”, Vânători-Neamț Natural Park is the place of meeting of a variety of cultural, historical and natural values visitors can also discover any time.

By following the link below, you can find out more tourist opportunities in Bison Land:


See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

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