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Piatra Neamt History Museum – Exhibition “Testimonies of the communism years”

10 April 2015 No Comment

IMG_8395_resize Neamt County Council, Neamt County Museum Complex, National Museum of History and the National Archives Service Neamt County invites you to visit the exhibition Testimonies of the communism years.

Open already from 6th of March (the day that was installed the Petru Groza government) with Symposium March 6, 1945, 70 years after the beginnings of the establishment of communism in Romania, the exhibition can be visited until May 22, 2015 (the May 21st, 1921, was established P.C.R. (Romanian Communist Party).

Among the exhibits you can see office objects  and phone used by Dr. Petru Groza (1884-1958) himself, former Prime Minister during 1945-1952, the general’s uniform belonged to Emil Bodnaras (1904-1976), Minister of the Armed Forces during 1947-1955 and Vice President of the Council of Ministers in the years 1957-1965, a colonel’s uniform security and obviously the atmosphere consists of a table, chair, lamp, typewriter recalling the famous and defunct investigations and interrogations that security made them in a country that resembled a camp, a pioneer uniform the awards (badges) worn by students 9-14 years, also patriotic guards uniform along with the time press with age titles, and the notes and coins that circulated in 1945-1989.


Photos excellent executed, from the collection of prof. Emil Bucuresteanu with eloquent images of misery in which were bathing the slums (districts) in Piatra Neamt (1960-1980) are sad testimonies, memories still live, with many different objects illustrating the torment and decay of a society that wanted to multilaterally develop.


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