Church Saint Demetrius (Sfântul Dumitru)
Church Saint Demetrius from Sarata (Dobreni commune) is one of the touristic sights you shouldn’t miss when you are in our county.
On the place where today is the village, there were large forests studded with salted water springs (slatine, as locals call it) where the settlement is named. Due to its age, beeing built in 1752, the wood churc that serves the small community from Sărata is one of the best preserved. Originally the church Titular Saint was The Entrance of Mother of God in the Church, so that later it also received Saint Demetrius. From 2004, it became a parish church, ministering to over a hundred souls who haven’t left the old houses scattered on the surrounding hills. The monument is built of oak beams, with ended corners “in loops” and with a laid foundation in stone of a river. On the outside we notice the beauty and the strength of the wood, and for joining the oak beams were used wooden pegs.The interior fascinates with its simplicity, elegance and mysterious air that passes through what seems beyond time. The space is narrow and small. The iconostasis is the original one. In a small corner of the museum, two candlesticks of straw have been preserved from 1898, a number of old icons and religious books from the eighteenth century.
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