The exhibition “Obiceiuri populare de iarna” at the History and Archeology Museum from Piatra Neamt
Starting with December 6 at the History and Archeology Museum from Piatra Neamt you can visit the exhibition “Obiceiuri populare de iarna” (“Traditional winter customs”). The exhibition contains about 100 pieces that illustrate old rituals like Plugusorul (The Plow), dances with masks like The Goat and The Bear.
The traditional artisan Neculai Popa from Tarpesti (1919 – 2010) was the most well known figure from this area that kept not only these traditions alive but also created and collected an impressive amount of masks and artifacts connected to these winter traditions. His museum can be visited in Tarpesti commune where people all over the world come to admire these traditional masks.
The exhibition “Obiceiuri populare de iarna” is a tribute to this local art creator, Neculai Popa and it’s completed by videos made with the occasion of New Year’s Eve at Tarpesti and masks made by Elena and Vasile Ciocarlan from Stefan cel Mare commune.
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