Folk customs, traditions and crafts from Neamt County, Romania
Neamt County is a true cradle of Romanian culture that over time, through the talent and diligence of the people living here became a place where many customs, traditions and crafts were born. Here are some of these customs and traditions that are best known:
Fabrics are presented in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Fabrics are handcrafted from wool, hemp and in with a geometric or floral background and are made by utilizing a technique called “weaving in stands”. These fabrics that were used to decorate the interior of traditional houses are a true image of the skill, the fantasy and the creative force of women. Because of their diversity and the quality of the craft, these fabrics are considered to be remarkable ornamental objects. We are talking here about: carpets, rugs, laicere (traditional carpet made out of wool, used to cover the floors or the walls in a traditional house), towels, paretare (small carpet that covers a part of the wall), itari (traditional tight folk trousers), barnete, belts, catrinte (traditional folk skirt) and bags.
Embroideries and sewing represent the craft of ornamenting the textile materials and the leather. This craft is used to make objects that would be needed in a traditional house and also pieces of traditional clothing. Through sewing women made ii (traditional folk shirt for women), shirts, poale (the lower part of a traditional folk dress), itari (traditional tight folk trousers), sumane (long thick traditional folk clothing), tablecloths, naframi (a piece of cloth used as a handkerchief or towel) and curtains. The craft of embroidery represents an esthetic addition to a product that represents the area from an ethnographic point. Here are some objects made through the art of embroidery that contain a rich background that is made by following strict rules: different pieces of traditional folk clothes, ii (traditional folk shirt for women), poale (the lower part of a traditional folk dress), shirts and bundite (waistcoats).
The art of woodworking represents a heavy tradition in Neamt County, mainly because of the location and the surrounding forests. From ancient times, people managed to use wood in order to built different objects for daily uses. Depending on the destination of the object that was made, several woodworking crafts developed, like: carpenters, dogar (cooper), dulgher (a carpenter that makes different wooden objects, used for building constructions with), rotar (a carpenter specialized in building wooden wheels), dranitit (carpenter specialized in build small pieces of wood used to cover the house). The wood essences used were fir, alder, oak, beech, lime and poplar. The wood was processed through different techniques like cutting, peeling, sculpture, indenting and poker work. This craft of woodworking stand at the origin of house building, churches, traditional furniture and objects for daily use in a traditional house.
The architecture of wooden houses is special. These traditional house are true masterpieces of Romanian traditions. The traditional house of these people that lived near the mountains impresses by proportions and volumes. The traditional house has a tall roof and large eaves to protect the porch from rain and snow. Another impressive element is the wealth of ornamental wood that covers different parts of a traditional house, turning it into an architectural masterpiece.
Traditional rafting was a dangerous job to have. The people that took merchandise on Bistrita River with the help of rafts from Brosteni to Galati are remembered in stories of bravery by the few old people that saw them when they were kids. The ethnography museums from Neamt County have miniature rafts that resemble the ones used on Bistrita River.
The craft of traditional masks represents an old occupation in Neamt County and also a messenger of our customs, traditions and crafts. These masks are special because of the way they look and the materials used in their making, like: animal fir, leather, sculpted wood, cloth, lime peel, rope, feathers, colored beads, animal horns, mirrors and so on. Villages like Tarpesti, Brusturi, Ghindaoani, Timisesti, Pipirig, Vanatori, Boboiesti and Lunca are well known for the beauty of handcrafted objects and for the imagination and the talent of traditional artisans.
We invite you to see these customs, traditions and crafts in reallife at the Folk Art Festival „Lada cu zestre” that will take place in Piatra Neamt , Neamt County, between May 28 and May 30, 2010 at the place called „Curtea domneasca”.
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